Terms and conditions of use

Acceptance of the Agreement

In order to use TerraMadre.it, you must carefully read and accept the Agreement by clicking on the specific acceptance button. If you do not accept the Agreement you will not be able to use the Service.

General conditions of sale govern the sale of products marketed by the TerraMadre Sas in www.terramadre.be site through a remote sales system that uses communication technology called "the Internet".

In order to use the Service or part of it, Users must register by providing, in a truthful and complete manner, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accept the privacy policy and these general conditions. The User has the duty to guard and keep his access credentials confidential.

All contracts for the purchase of products sold, transactions via the website owned by The www.terramadre.it TerraMadre Sas online following the procedures indicated, between La TerraMadre Sas and Internet client (the client) will be governed by these Terms and Conditions, which form an integral and essential part of the same.
The relevant legislation is the Consumption Code (art. 52 del D.Lgs. 206/2005), which provides specific obligations for the seller and clear rights to the client, the legislative decree. N.114 / 1998 of Article 18 (reform of the law on the trade sector), Directive n.2000 / 31 / EC provides that the implementation of the electronic contract is concluded when you can say,
- The lender must "recognize" the receipt of the recipient's order without undue delay and by electronic means;
- The order and receipt are considered received when the parties to whom they are addressed can access them.
Any changes to these terms and conditions will be effective from the time of its publication on the website and will be applied only to sales made after the publication itself.

Art. 2 - ORDERS
All orders are subject to acceptance by:
The HSH Terramadre Dissidomino M. & C.
Via Oberdan 30 / 1-98070 (Me)

Age requirements

Users declare to be of age according to the legislation applicable to them. Under no circumstances may children under 13 use TerraMadre.it

Purchase orders entered by the www.terramadre.be site must be completed in full and must contain all the elements necessary for the exact identification of the products ordered and the delivery location.
Orders must be considered as a customer contract proposal online through the "point and click".
The order confirmation by tThe TerraMadre Sas sent via email to the address specified by the CLIENT INTERNET constitutes acceptance of the contract proposal. The contract is concluded and is binding on both parties when the order confirmation is sent to the TerraMadre Sas WEB CLIENT.
The Terramadre SAS can also send the final customer refused the order and reserves, in its sole discretion, the right to cancel any order in case of clerical errors associated with the customer's order or with the information sent by the customer via www. terramadre.be
The customer can buy items in the catalog on the www.terramadre.be site and in the quantities in stock. If an order exceeds the amount present in the warehouse, we accept the purchase in respect of products available. In this case, the customer will be notified and may revoke the order or integration with a replacement product.
The customer must "immediately notify La TerraMadre Sas any error or omission of any type in the payment terms, amounts and prices listed in the acceptance document.

All prices for products on the auction site www.terramadre.be a public offering, they are expressed in euros and include VAT.
In the case of delivery outside of the Italian State will be borne by the customer additional costs due to taxes or fees provided by law in the State of destination.
The TerraMadre SAS We reserve the right to change prices at any time www.terramadre.be published on the site. The prices published time to time products supersede the previous ones.

Each Order TerraMadre Sas can add a contribution Freight, or outright depending on the weight of products and shipping destination requested by the customer.
The presence of contribution Transportation costs will be clearly shown in the order form when you select the destination.
If the payment method is the brand will be charged for additional fixed costs provided by the carrier.
Once you arrived in the form of interim order, highlight cart the "Fees and Expenses of shipping and handling" all costs of transportation
"TOTAL CONTROL" is actually the amount due as payment of the goods, including VAT and transportation costs (excluding additional costs due to taxes or fees provided by law in the State destination in case of delivery outside Italian State and fixed costs provided by the courier in case of payment on delivery).
The SAS also TerraMadre it reserves the "right" to modify the payment terms at any time, in his opinion, the financial situation of the client, the records of previous payments or the nature of his relationship with The Terramadre airlock, they suggested Such changes.

THE TerraMadre SAS will offer customers the selected and ordered products, the destination address specified in the order. In the absence at the time of notification of delivery, you will be left and the client must personally contact as soon as possible to the carrier or freight forwarder to arrange delivery.
Delivery will be made by carriers mainly in the road surface. No responsibility can be attributed to sas THE Terramadre of late delivery or not due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

Customer agrees to pay the price of the products ordered by the payment by bank transfer in advance, or by credit card following the instructions on the site, with the mark of the Corriere mandate or agreement in advance.
- Payment by bank transfer in advance by credit card or money order.
The delivered goods will be delivered with immediate invoice.
- Payment by cash to the courier agreement
- The delivered goods will be delivered with the transport document (pursuant to Presidential Decree N0 472/96, paragraph 3). The bill will be sent to deferred "Email (issued upon registration) in pdf format no later than the 30th day of the month following the date of issuance of the transport document.

The TerraMadre SAS accepts no liability for disruptions caused by force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and / or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other events that could prevent, in whole or in part , to implement within the agreed contract.
The TerraMadre SAS will not be liable to any party for any damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of failure to execute the contract for the reasons mentioned above, since the customer is only entitled to a refund the price paid. Similarly, The TerraMadre Sas is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties, credit cards, checks and other means of payment, when payment for goods purchased on the site www.terramadre.be
Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the TerraMadre Sas, and "now agreed that if found responsible" The TerraMadre Sas in any capacity against the Customer - including the case of default, in whole or in part , the obligations assumed by the customer TerraMadre Sas following the execution of an order - the responsibility of the TerraMadre Sas shall not exceed the price of products purchased by the customer and for which the dispute arose.
Responsibility TerraMadre Sas delivery delays may not exceed the amount of the transport costs incurred by the customer.


You agree to use the TerraMadre Sas, using tools such as e-mail or automated calling systems without human interference or fax.

The right to property "on products offered on the site The TerraMadre Sas passes to the customer after full payment of the products or their delivery, if it occurs last. The risk of breakage of the products pass to the customer upon delivery.

Art. 10 - Right of withdrawal - (Legislative Decree No. 185 of 22/05/99 art.5, paragraph 2).

The CONSUMER Customer can exercise the right of withdrawal if:

- communicate the cancellation of the order via e-mail to La TerraMadre s.a.s. before having received confirmation or before the goods have been shipped;

- not being satisfied with the purchase made, undertakes to return the products received in full.

The right of withdrawal must be exercised, under penalty of forfeiture, by email to: [email protected]

within 14 days from the day of receipt of the products. This communication must contain the data necessary to identify the order, the desire to renounce the purchase and the product or products for which you intend to exercise the right of withdrawal, attaching a copy of the tax document (Invoice or D.D.T.).

The right of withdrawal is however excluded in the following cases (Art.59 Legislative Decree 206/2005):

- Purchase of goods made to measure or personalized by La TerraMadre s.a.s. according to the specific requests of the CUSTOMER or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly.

- The products were not delivered due to the CUSTOMER's absence from the place of delivery and upon collection they were altered or damaged due to the delay caused by the CUSTOMER.

If the withdrawal is carried out as stated above, any amount already paid for the Products and delivery costs will be credited to the buyer by bank transfer to his account.

The refund is made as quickly as possible, and in any case within 14 days from the date on which we received notice of the withdrawal from the CONSUMER Customer, he also receives the ordered goods intact and in the original packaging at the following address:

LA TerraMadre s.a.s di Dissidomino M. & C.
Via Oberdan, 30/1 - Castell'Umberto 98070 (Me).

The only costs borne by the Customer for exercising the right of withdrawal are the direct costs of returning the Products to LA TerraMAdre s.a.s.


The SAS Terramadre markets high-quality products, which provides a limited warranty from the date of expiry of the product. In case of problems or anomalies not explicitly assigned to the TerraMadre Sas given the nature of the products offered in the catalog, the customer may contact a sales manager via our contact channels ([email protected], 0941, 438984)
It excludes the client's right to damages or compensation, and any contract or tort liability for personal property and / or direct or indirect caused by goods purchased through www.terramadre.be


The client undertakes, once the purchase procedure provided for in the www.terramadre.be site, to handle the press and keep the present general conditions, which, however, has already seen and accepted as a necessary step in the process of shipping order online. This is to fully satisfy the conditions of articles. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree n. No 185/99 of.
Is strictly forbidden for the customer to enter false and / or invented and / or fantasy, the registration process to provide the procedure for the execution of this contract and the subsequent communications; personal data and e-mail must be their only real personal data and not some other person, or fantasy.
And "it is expressly forbidden to enter third party data.
And ban "of altresi done" to minors to make recordings.
"The Terramadre sas" reserves the right to prosecute any violation or abuse, and for the protection of all consumers.


Www.terramadre.be promotions offered on the site are valid while supplies of products and purchase limits appearing on the site. The promotions are not cumulative. Promotional products can be delivered in promotional packs other than those published on the site. The offer of all free products is valid while supplies last. No replacement or return is possible in the context of all products received without charge by the customer.


Personal data is collected in order to register the customer and provide him with the procedures for the execution of this contract and the necessary communications; these data are processed electronically in compliance with the laws and can be produced only at the request of the court or other officer authorized by law. Personal data will be communicated to delegates to conduct activities necessary for performance of the contract and used exclusively for this purpose. The party enjoys the rights under Art. 13 L.675 / 1996 in reference to the right to privacy.

Art. 15 - DISPUTES

For each unresolved dispute between the parties will be pleaded by the court of Patti (ME).


The computer system on the compilation of the order is likely to prevent the confirmation and validation of the same in the absence of an explicit command given by the Buyer to confirm the successful reading of these terms Sales by the buyer.

Important Note: The latest revision of the General Conditions, will be that at the time of the signing by its own customer order, govern 'this order; You and 'kindly requested to print and keep a copy of these conditions of sale for future reference and to verify afterwards changes to what they printed.

Art. 17 - Applicable law

The contracts drawn up by the customer on the www.terramadre.it site are governed by Italian law. Although not expressly provided, apply the rules of law applicable to relations and as provided in the contract concluded by the Client with the TerraMadre Sas


Pursuant to and for the purposes of sections. 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code expressly It requires the approval of the following clauses:
Art. 3 - Prices and Shipping
Art. 4 - Contribution mailing costs
Art. 5- Returns
Art. 7 - Limitation of liability
Art. 8 - Communications
Art. 10 - Return Policy
Art. 11. Warranty and Support
Art. 12 - Obligations of the Buyer
Art. 14 - Settlement
Art. 15 - Confirmation of recognition
Art. 17 - Applicable law